Processor Find of the Day
Today I got a not so old (2006) Infocus IN24 projector. It had bit the dust due to corrosion from the warm salty air in Maui.
What did I find inside? besides some amazingly cool optics, and power components, there was a large TI DLP Processor, specifically the DDP2000, a rather large BGA chip, that integrates most of the projectors functions as well as a DSP core, and a ARM 946 CPU core. running at 120MHz, good enough for 800×600 resolution.
Processor is the one marked DLP, bare die is a SRAM, far right is the DLP mirror, imaging chip (just layed on the board for your viewing)

Ti DLP ARM CPU and Sensor
September 18th, 2010 at 6:51 pm
i have a few of these DLP mirror, imaging chip . are you interested to buy i have three new ones whats y0ur offer……if not …………………sorry for this message