IBM today introduced a faster, 300 MHz version of the PowerPC 750TM microprocessor. The new processor is now shipping to IBM customers for MacOSTM applications. IBM expects that products incorporating the new processor, such as systems and upgrade cards, will be introduced by its customers over the next several months.
"Apple is very excited about the latest PowerPC microprocessor clock speed increase as it enables us to continue to provide Macintosh customers with leading-edge performance at affordable prices," said Jon Rubinstein, senior vice president of hardware engineering at Apple Computer, Inc. "Based on the third-generation PowerPC microprocessor, Apple's Power Macintosh G3 and PowerBook G3 systems continue to outperform the fastest Pentium II-based systems."
In addition to Apple, the other first applications of the 300 MHz PowerPC 750 microprocessor will be CPU upgrade cards from Newer Technologies, Sonnet Technologies, PowerLogix R&D, Inc., and Interware Co., Ltd.
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