Intel 80188 microprocessor is an enhanced version of Intel 8088 processor. Like the 8088, the 80188 has 16-bit internal architecture and 8-bit external data bus. The 80188 integrates many system components into one chip, implements 7 new instructions and adds new operand types to three existing 8088 instructions. With the exception of integrated components, the 80188 microprocessor is not very different from the 8088, and, because of this, it may be considered as an embedded version of the 8088. The Intel 80188 didn't even have its own version of co-processor and worked with Intel 8087. Not much used in computers, the Intel 80188 was successful in embedded processor market. In fact, the processor was so successful, that many different versions of the processor were introduced by Intel and other second-source companies since 1982 - These have just recently (2001) stopped being made, though there are still some being used in an ASIC implementation.
Fujitsu was one of the lesser known Intel second sources.