Intel 8088 microprocessor is almost identical to the Intel 8086 processor with the exception of the external data bus. External data bus width of the 8088 was reduced to 8 bits, and instruction queue size and prefetching algorithms were changed. Intel 8088 used two consecutive bus cycles to write or read 16 bit data instead of one cycle for the 8086. This made the processor to run slower, but on the plus side the hardware changes in the 8088 CPU made it compatible with 8080/8085 peripherals.
Architecture of the 8088 stayed the same as the 8086: 16-bit registers, 16-bit internal data bus and 20-bit address bus, which allowed the processor address up to 1 MB of memory. The 8088 had the same segmented memory addressing as the 8086: the processor could address 64 KB of memory directly, and to address more than 64 KB of memory one of special segment registers had to be updated.
This package has the date code molded into it. This is a lowpower CMOS version