The NSC800 is an 8-bit CMOS microprocessor that functions as the central processing unit (CPU) in National Semiconductor's NSC800 microcomputer family. National's microCMOS technology used to fabricate this device provides system designers with performance equivalent to comparable NMOS products, but with the low power advantage of CMOS. Some of the many system functions incorporated on the device, are vectored priority interrupts, refresh control, power-save feature and interrupt acknowledge. The NSC800 is available in dual-in-line and surface mounted chip carrier packages.
Fully compatible with Z80 instruction set: Powerful set of 158 instructions 10 addressing modes 22 internal registers - Low power: 50 mW at 5V VCC - Unique power-save feature - Multiplexed bus structure - Schmitt trigger input on reset - On-chip bus controller and clock generator - Variable power supply 2.4Vb6.0V - On-chip 8-bit dynamic RAM refresh circuitry