September 19th, 2014 ~ by admin

DEC570000101A1 F11 303E

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2 Responses to DEC570000101A1 F11 303E

  1. Roger DiPaolo

    I have a DEC 570000101A IC. Can you help me determine what it is exactly? Is it a processor?

    It is purple ceramic with 2 Gold lidded square surface mount ICs on top with what might be a couple of large surface mount bypass capacitors. It has stamped on the purple ceramic between the two gold-lid chips “570000101A” and “DEC 8448”.

    The gold lid nearest pin 1 has printed on it:

    AMI 303D
    23-002C7 AA

    And the other has printed on it:

    DEC (as a logo, a “box” surrounds each of the 3 letters in DEC) 303E

    If you are interested I can take a closeup photo of it (top and bottom) to send to you, and you may use the photo on your website if you wish – I’m just curious as to exactly what it is.

    Thank you very much!!!

    Best Regards,
    Roger DiPaolo

  2. admin

    This is part of the DEC F-11 Processor chipset.
    The F-11 was a chip set consisting of three designs, one of which could be replicated: the Control Chip (up to nine supported) called the DC303, the data chip (DC302), and the MMU chip (DC304)

    What you have is a control chip. The control chips contained the microcode that implemented the instruction set, that is why more then one is used, as to extend the instruction set, you need more DC303 chips

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