New Test Board Available for Sale: Intel 3002 Bit-Slice Processor
We have released a simple (its our least expensive board yet) Test Board for the Intel 3002 Bit-Slice Processor. The Intel 3000 bit-slice processor family was introduced in 1973 and were made on a Schottky Bipolar process. The 3002 series was also second sourced by Signetics, Siemens, and Intersil, and clones were made by the USSR and Tesla (Czech). The 3002 CPE is a 2-bit ALU and register file that can perform logical and arithmetic operations, left/right shifting and bit/zero value testing. The 3002 also includes 11 registers (R0-R9, T), an accumulator and a Memory Address Register (MAR). The 3002 CPE elements execute micro instructions generated by the 3001 Microprogram Controller Unit (MCU) based on micro code stored in PROM.
Its only $69.95 (including FREE shipping worldwide)
Order it on the 3002 test Board page.
In other related news, we are also developing a test board for some other BSP. Hopefully we’ll have a single board (with expansions) that can handle AMD 2901/03/203 and MMI 6701 processors