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(June 5th 1995) Advanced Micro Devices Inc announced what it claims
is the world's fastest 80486 chip. The 120MHz Am486 DX4 out-performs
Intel Corp Pentium 75MHz on some benchmarks, it claims. Power
consumption is also about 1W lower than Intel's 100MHz 80486
offering, claimed the company and the new par will fully compatible
with Microsoft Corp's Windows95, Advanced Micro promises. Despite the
delay in starting volume production for the K5 until next year, the
company said it is
still on target to produce more than 5m K5 chips in 1996. Personal
computer products marketing manager Dirk Heinen said that further
personal computer manufacturers from both the US and UK will announce
plans to use Am486 processors within the next three to six months,
and more customers will join Compaq Computer Corp in K5 development
from the fourth quarter this year. It is sampling now, and volume
production of the 120MHz Am486 DX4 starts in August in its 0.5 micron
process at the Fab 25 plant in Austin, Texas; it costs under $180. A
133MHz version will follow in 1996 and will likely be the last 80486


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