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200 MHZ Pentium Pro
(November 2, 1995)
Yesterday, Intel announced a slew of P6 (I refuse to use the name
Pentium Pro... Ill stick to calling it P6 - tom) processors, with the
high-end version running at 200 MHz. The data below is courtesy of
Jeff Sponaugle. More info can be gotten from Intel's www site.
All parts are now available, except 166/512 (Q196)
Processor PPro PPro PPro PPro Pentium
200 180 166/512 150 133/1024
SPECint95 8.09 7.29 7.11 6.08 4.14
SPECfp95 6.75 6.08 6.21 5.42 3.12
SPECint92 366.0 327.4 327.1 276.3 190.9
SPECbase_int92 336.7 305.8 306.6 258.3 175.9
SPECfp92 283.2 254.6 261.3 220.0 120.6
SPECbase_fp92 234.3 210.4 209.6 182.0 107.3
ZD CPUmark32 541 466 --- 412 278
SYSmark for Windows NT 648 596 590 509 323
"Windows 95 32bit app" 1.49 1.35 ---- 1.20 1.00