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Thursday, May 25

Sun's New Sparc Catches Fire

Sun Microsystems's next-generation Sparc microprocessor, the 64-bit UltraSparc, took a significant step closer to landing on real-world users' desktops on Wednesday, when it became generally available in sample quantities. "Sample availability" means that small numbers of the chip are available to systems manufacturers who are planning to build computers based on the chip. The first UltraSparcs run at 143 MHz and 167 MHz. The chips are priced at $1,095 each for the 143 MHz model, and $1,595 for the 167 MHz model, in quantities of 1,000. Systems based on the chip are expected to be available to users in the fall

Sun says 13 systems vendors have announced commitments to develop computers based on the new chip, including the company's own hardware unit. They include Toshiba, Cray Research, and Tatung Science & Technology. Also, Data General says it plans to port its DG/UX operating system to UltraSparc.

The chip is designed to support multimedia and other high-throughput applications, with built-in video decompression, and data throughput of up to 1.67 gigabytes per second.


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